
Nixyáawii Community Financial Services can help

Nixyáawii Community Financial Services (NCFS) has merged the services of the CTUIR Homeownership, Business Development, and Lending Programs to create a single full-service credit, loan, and financial management resource designed to serve tribal members, reservation residents, and tribal employees.

The Homeownership Program focus is financial education first. With financial wellness you can achieve homeownership, invest in the future and build a healthy nation and people to better control their own destiny. Achieving homeownership can be a complex process and the Homeownership Program is here to assist.

Visit their website here, or give them a call at (541) 304-2387 to learn more.

consideration fee financing available at ncfs

Nixyáawii Community Financial Services is offering a new loan program to assist CTUIR Tribal members wanting to obtain a 99-year lease at the Nixyáawii Neighborhood, the Land Lease Loan. 

The Land Lease Loan will provide 90% of the Consideration fee for the lease and available even if you currently have a loan with NCFS.  

Loan application available at under Loan Services. 

For more information, contact Pamela Ranslam at

are you ready to build a home?

Are you financially secure?

Homeownership is a large investment and an endeavor you should not take lightly.   A stable income source that can be verified by the lender for a minimum of two years is essential.  Lenders also like to be reassured that income will continue for at least three years into the future.  In many cases, lenders also consider employment history with consistent income.  It is imperative that financial responsibility be a top priority including the ability to manage expenses responsibly and ensure individuals have the ability to manage any possible ongoing financial issues which prevent you from paying your bills in a timely manner.

Is your credit in good shape?

Your credit report says a lot about you. Lenders use it to evaluate your risk potential and to inform themselves on how responsible of a borrower you are. A few tips to ensure a favorable credit score are 1) Make sure you’re paying all bills on time, 2) refrain from opening new credit accounts if you don’t need it, 3) paying credit card bills in full each month and keeping credit utilization low. Lenders want at least two trade-lines open for at least two-years with no late payment of twelve month. Make sure to check your credit report early on to determine if there are areas you need to improve, or if you need to dispute incorrect information on your credit report if there is any.

Can you save money for a down payment and closing costs?

Becoming a homeowner takes money and it is vital individuals begin saving to cover the costs. When you purchase a home you’ll need funds for the down payment (a percentage of the purchase price) and closing costs (the bank fees to complete the transaction). The amount you need to save will depend on the price of the home, required down payment, and fees charged by the lender.

Are you ready to settle down in one place?

Homeownership is a long-term commitment and requires long-term thinking.  It’s not for everyone.  If you’re someone who likes to travel all the time, if you’re thinking of going back to school, or if you are considering a job transfer, then buying a home might need to wait.  If you’re not ready to settle down for at least five years, renting might be the best option right now. You don’t want to put all of your money into build a house, only to lose equity in a couple of years when you want to move or relocate.

Are you comfortable with the responsibility of home maintenance?

You don’t have to be an expert Handyman, but it’s important to be able to take on the responsibility of fixing things yourself. You are the one responsible for replacing appliances and fixing any repairs the house might need. This is how homeownership differs from renting, you won’t be able call up the landlord to take care of things. Repairs are the sole responsibility of the homeowner where you would have to fix them yourself, or contract them out and pay out of pocket for them to be replaced or repaired.

Can you afford to pay a mortgage?

When individuals stop paying rent, the landlord has the option to evict renters. Similarly, a bank will trigger a foreclosure on your home, meaning if you stop paying your mortgage the bank takes possession of the home. Unfortunately, a foreclosure can be a devastating hit on your credit report.  A mortgage payment is a long-term commitment.  Make sure you’re ready to prioritize the mortgage payment before all other expenses.